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In recent years, the N.S.W Firearms Act has been amended to permit people of or above the age of twelve years of age to try out the sport of shooting. Under the provisions of the Act people can try out our sport, not being the holder of a firearms licence. Such persons must complete a form P650 (see below) and answer some basic questions. Depending on the answers given a person may try out Clay Target Shooting under strict one to one supervision, after a period of instruction.



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As a result of the afore mentioned amendments to the Act, it is common for groups of people, quite often from work or social environments to come to the club and try out our sport. No experience is needed and they learn to shoot under the same strict supervision as afforded to an individual trying out the sport. Such groups have a great deal of fun and usually walk away with a completely different perception of Clay Target Shooting. We have found that many companies use these ‘ corporate days ’ as we call them, as a reward system to say thank you to loyal and dedicated staff. These days are a win, win situation for the groups and our club. Our club members volunteer their time for which the club is rewarded financially. If your social or work group are interested in taking part in a corporate day to try out our sport contact the club, through the President, Secretary, or club members for further details.

Copyright© Richmond River Gun Club 2017-2024

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