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Hi again fellow members,


Words cannot explain how proud I was to be a member of Richmond River Gun Club when yesterday, eleven of us went to Warwick to take part in their annual premier DTL event.

As most of you know, the Rainbow Lorikeet, as the name suggests is a very beautiful and colourful parrot common to coastal areas such as ours. There is another colourful parrot which prefers the higher mountain areas west of the coast.

Its colouring reminds me of the members of another gun club we are all familiar with who are exceptionally competitive and proud.


 Well, yesterday the “Richmond River Rainbow Lorikeets” made their presence felt big time. 

Everyone on the range could not help but notice us and when GT,  Nikky James,  Ryan Walton, Brendan Watt and Jacob Armstrong all collected at presentation time, our colours and our club name was firmly embedded in their brains.


They also collected something for me but unfortunately I had left for the long trip back to Ballina by the time presentation was on.

I can’t wait for our next trip to the New England where the red and blue of Guyra will be challenged by the orange, blue and green of Richmond River.


Come on guys (and girls) be part of it. Somehow when you identify with someone who is successful, you feel part of that success yourself.


It is a great way to share and promote our club and help it thrive.






Despite miserable weather along the coastal strip on Saturday, six squads of shooters turned up  to contest the 100 “sporting” targets on offer on Sunday, 29th April.  Fortunately, the weather was a lot better with only a couple of light showers during the day which did not deter the competitors.


Geoff Bruce, Callan Manderson Mike Sullivan and  Geoff Jacobsen  put a lot of effort into providing as many different targets as our equipment and grounds permitted with changes of cage position after every round of 25 and changed  some traps after the first  50.


Those who were used to being able to shoot the complete event at Richmond River with skeet chokes were a little disappointed when they discovered that this time some of the targets were a long way further out.


With the new Ball Trap installed, “Fast Eddie” –a fast and quartering from the right - proved elusive. When thrown in a sim pair with a quartering target from the left, it was really a case of be happy to get one out of two.  Few were able to get the pair.


A double rise pair out of one of our Canterbury’s from 21 metres also proved difficult as well as a couple of others.


Hopefully everyone enjoyed the different challenging targets and appreciated the effort that went into setting up the field.  There were a few hiccups with trap problems endemic to our need to use some old traps whose use by date has well and truly expired but everyone seemed to accept the small delays.



AA -  Geoff Bruce from new member Steve Russon 2nd after a shoot off, both recording 44/50 in the event.

A   -   Alan Tucker (44/50) from Graeme Adams (42/50),

B   -   Dave McIntyre (39/50) took the fat end of the price and after a shoot off, Carlo Pisanu took 2nd from Greg Mengel               after both scored 36/50.

C  -    Junior William Contojohn won a good effort of 34/50 from Alan Virtue after a shoot with Terry Milgate (32/50)




AA - Geoff Bruce 38/50 1st, Ted Schneider 37/50 2nd.

A   -  Shane Lavelle 40/50, from Paul Chittick 39/50

B   -  Dave McIntyre 42/50 1st, Ryan Walton (Jnr) 37/50 2nd.

C   -  Alan Virtue 35/50 1st, Jacob Armstrong 33/50 2nd.



Geoff Bruce continued  his stranglehold on sporting High Gun  while the intermediate High Gun went to David McIntyre who is now elevated to  A grade.


NEXT SPORTING EVENT  29th JULY -  if you like sporting, how about volunteering to help design and set up the field.

Hi fellow members,


You will notice a new heading on our web-site “SHIRTS” – have a look at it.


Anyone who has been to a club shoot where members of the Guyra Clay Target Club have been competing will have noticed how obvious they are and what a display of pride in their club they make.


We thought that we had as much to be proud of as them.  We have as many members and there are some good shots amongst them. We have great facilities with a committee and a number of other volunteers who strive to improve things for all of us. We put on good shoots, so how about we display some pride ourselves.


It would be absolutely wonderful if the majority of members were prepared to wear a club shirt and/or cap just to let others know that they are part of Richmond River Gun Club.


A subcommittee consisting of Lyster Hart, Chris Doust and myself were appointed to research and find someone to design us a new shirt and cap.  We wanted it unique, to stand out in a crowd, be lightweight and cool and affordable.  In trying to choose colours we needed to retain some blue since blue is still officially the club colour, but reckoned if we could get some orange, (the colour of our targets) and some green (because of our usual lush grounds and also the colour of our Canterbury Traps) mixed in, it would look okay.

After many hours of research and enquiry, we eventually settled on a Lennox Head business known as Coachcaps who did the design for us.


The club logo was updated courtesy of Sara Tuis, the partner of Andrew Leech who visits regularly. Sara did a great job for us free of charge and hopefully everyone will approve.  The image of Richmond Hill (probably a lot of you didn’t know that’s what it was) was retained to preserve some of the heritage.


We know some of you are going to be reluctant to wear a club shirt because you don’t like the colour or the style, but it will be a wonderful display of pride and unity.  Guyra will not be the only club noticed if you do.


They are for sale at cost price.   The fabric is extremely lightweight and UV resistant.  Unfortunately they are polyester because the decoration method – sublimation – cannot be performed on cotton or any blend containing cotton or wool.


The colour of the cap may also not be your first choice but when seen in conjunction with the shirt it is pretty smart.


Our order is going in on 26th March  after that  they may cost more because we won’t be able to get same  deal as we did when buying more than twenty units.


Come on fellow members, show that you are proud to be a member of Richmond River Gun Club which is one of the strongest and best in the  State, and help promote your club and your sport.





Hey Skeet and 5 Stand Shooters

Hey skeet and 5 stand shooters, where were you on Saturday, 17th February, 2018. You missed a great day.


For the ten years I have been a member of Richmond River Gun Club I have certainly favoured trap (DTL) but after the efforts of Geoff Bruce and Carlo Pisanu to put on a real fun day yesterday I will certainly be shooting more skeet and sporting disciplines.


Despite reminder text messages being sent to over one hundred people – members and regular visitors – no one turned up except the usual nucleus. Maybe they were frightened it was going to be too hot (which it wasn’t due to a light southerly breeze) or thought a 9.00 am start was too early. Maybe they didn’t have enough money for noms and cartridges left for another day of a hundred targets. Maybe they have used up their leave passes for this month or a saving them for dtl next week or some other venue.



While it is certainly acknowledged that not everyone has the time or the finances to shoot every weekend making it necessary to pick and choose which shoots you attend, spare a thought for the likes of Brucester and Carlo who put a lot of effort into organising the skeet and sporting for us all to enjoy when we can or choose to. Unfortunately if their efforts are not rewarded by better attendances we cannot blame them for giving up.

Yesterday saw the maiden voyage the Pisanu-Bruce mobile - a table and chairs with shade roof on wheels that can be moved by the mower or tractor and is a truly inspiring structure fully constructed and funded by Carlo and Geoff. Photos can be found on Richmond River’s website (courtesy of Phil Smith)

Full results can be found on “myclubsmyscores” but it is noteworthy that after a shoot off the 50T skeet handicap went to Carlo from Kirk Trease and Fraser Hindry. There will be some rapid changes to their handicaps I feel since all the practice they have been doing is really starting to pay off.

Close but challenging sporting targets provided a lot of fun and some laughs. The rabbit turned into a leaping gazelle and when shot in conjunction with an left hand quartering target as a report pair, there were not a lot of one-ones. Brucey, Roy Warren and Kirk Trease shared the money in a combined AA-A grade, and Frazer Hindry collected in B-C grade.

Those who run the skeet and five stand on the third Saturday of the month are really trying to get the recipe right for the benefit of the members and would really like to hear any idea you might have that could entice you to attend the next one planned for 17th March. Come have a go. You don’t have to shoot the hundred targets. Try skeet only or the five stand only if 50 is enough for you.

I’ve been around Richmond River Gun Club for ten years now and have been to a lot of clubs in that time and I can proudly say that if ours isn’t the best around at the moment its certainly well and truly in the finals. Sincere congratulations and thanks to those who give up so much of their time to volunteer and provide a venue and events so those of us that like clay target shooting have somewhere to do it.



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